Columbia Resident Neurosurgeon, Dr. Benjamin Kennedy Sends us Greetings From Uganda! I have heard of Alexa Canady. Billing, International Relevance. NIH Awards Columbia Researchers a Grant to Study Speech Perception, Sciatic Sleuths Present the Case of an Injured Boy, Scoliosis Awareness Month Facebook Live with Dr. Richard Anderson: Kids and Scoliosis, Scoliosis Surgery Education Thanks to Dr. Anderson. Radiation Treatment for Cancer; Don’t Throw the Baby out with the Bath Water! “While I don’t have all the answers, what I can say is that at some point you have to let go of the questions and doubts and just do it. Throughout her twenty-year career in pediatric neurosurgery, Dr. Canady has helped thousands of … Patients Choose Columbia Neurosurgeons—Again, Pediatric Neurosurgeons’ Novel Procedure to Relieve Brain Pressure Published in Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, Pediatric Surgeons’ Novel Approach to Relieving Pressure on the Brain, Pediatrics Added to this Year’s IML at the Congress of Neurosurgery Meeting, Peripheral Nerve Surgery: Dr. Winfree on the Cutting Edge, Photos From an Amazing 80th Annual AANS Meeting, Physical Therapy: Just What the Surgeon Ordered, Pioneering Surgical Treatment for Depression, Plan to Exercise More in 2016? Parker’s Story: It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… It’s Dr. Feldstein! Toll free: 800-621-4111 (P) 312-202-5000 (F) 312-202-5001 (E) Request an appointment. Radiosurgery Trials Looking Good for Epileptics, Rare Tumor Almost Derails Wedding: Dr. McCormick’s Patient, Craig, Read the Inspiring Story of Dr. McCormick’s Patient Taylor Joseph, Reluctant Patient Margaret Hill all Smiles Now and Bearing Fruit, Remembering Columbia Neurosurgery Alum Andrew Parsa, MD, PhD, Removing a Sunset Tumor: Dr. McCormick’s Surgery Video, Research on Deadly Brain Tumor and Our Immune System Offers Hope of Earlier Detection and Treatment, Researchers Determine New Accomplice in Brain Tumors—and Catch Our Neurosurgeons’ Attention, Researchers Find No ‘July Effect’ in Neurosurgery, Researchers Seek to Understand Best Treatment Alternatives for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy, Resident and Medical Students Present Research at International Stroke Conference, Resident Dr. Adam Sonabend Gets Attention for Brain Tumor Research, Resident Dr. Jonathan Yun Profiled in Alumni Mag, Resident Dr. Sonabend Sets up Brain Lab for Med Students With Help of Dr. Canoll, Resident Fontana’s Eye-Opening Experience Treating Kids in Africa, Resident Marc Otten Presents at Grand Rounds, Resident Neurosurgeon Brad Zacharia Presents Research on Aneurysms at CNS Meeting, Resident Neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Kennedy on Rotation in Uganda, Resident Neurosurgeon Dr. Gaurav Gupta Speaks at Grand Rounds, Resident Wins Two-Year Janssen Fellowship, Residents and Review: Dr. Christopher Winfree’s Lab-Filled Weekend, Residents Earn Top-Ten Distinction for Research, Residents Learn Operative Approaches from Dr. Otten and Dr. Bruce, Residents’ Research Makes Strong Showing at AANS, Results for Ceregene’s Phase II Parkinson’s Disease Trial Released, Results From First IML: Aneurysm Coiling vs. Clipping Still a Toss up, Retired Head of Columbia Neurosurgery Dr. Bennett Stein is Now ‘The Car Doctor’, RN Jerry Lesser Walks us Through a Typical Treatment at Columbia’s Gamma Knife Center, ROSA Robot Comes to Columbia Neurosurgery Department, Say What? You are now being taken to Columbia Neurosurgery's site dedicated to the spine. TW: We have a lot of great examples here at Duke. Luckily you have time to figure things out. Winfree and Bruce, Heart-felt Letter of Gratitude to NJ Neurosurgeon Dr. Anthony D’Ambrosio, Herniated Disc Study Comes out in Favor of Spine Surgery, High-Frequency Stimulation: A New Hope for Chronic Pain Patients, Highlights of the 2011-2012 AANS Year Under President Dr. Paul McCormick, Historical Perspective: First Surgery Performed at the Neurosurgery Department has Come a Long Way, History of Department, Editor’s Choice in Neurosurgery Journal, Honoring a Great Veteran: Dr. Donald Quest, Horse Tails and Human Spines: Dr. McCormick’s Cauda Equina Surgery Video, How Does a Neurosurgeon Know What to Say When an AVM Patient Asks, "What Are My Chances Doc?". Nancy Yen Shipley is an orthopedic surgeon and can be reached at her self-titled site, NancyMD and on Twitter @_nancymd and Instagram @_nancymd. Benjamin Carson, amazing, death, life. Dr. Dr. Grace Mandigo: Lighting the Way for Female Neurosurgeons, youngerman youngman bret youngerman brett youngerman, conolly connoly conoly, pediatric Feldstain Feldstien, Slomon Roberd Sollomon Solommon Solomonn Salomon solomn, Achondroplasia Achndroplasia Achondroplazia Acondroplasia chondroplasia Achondoplasia Achondroplasa Achondroplaza Ahondroplasia Aondroplasia Achonoplasia Achondrolas Achandroplasia Akandroplasia acondiroplasia achondrioplasia achondraplasia, Acuostic Acoustik Neurmas Nueromas, Acromegaly accromegaly Acromegally Akromegaly acromegalie acromegali, Annaplastic Anaplastik Anaplestic Anaplastyc Astrocitomas Astrokitomas Astrosytomas Astrocythomas Astocytomas, Arrachnoid Arachnod Arachnoyd Arachnoied Cist zyst Cyzt, Arterio venous Arteryovenous Arteriovenemous Malfrmations Malforations, Astrocitomas Astrosytomas Astrocythomas Astocytomas Astrokytomas, Artherosclerosis Aterosclerosis Atherrosclerosis Atherosklerosis Atherosclerossis, Attypical Atipical Atyppical Atypycal Atypikal, Aksillary Nerve Injury Axcillary Nerve Injury Axilary Nerve Injury Axillari Nerve Injury Axillarie Nerve Injury Axillery Nerve Injury, Brain Absess Brain Abcess Brain Absces Brain Apscess Brain Abscses, Brian Anuerysm Aneurism, Braintem Glioma Brainsem Glioma Brainsten Glioma Brainstem Glyoma Brainstem Gliona, Carrotid Carotyd Carothid Arteri Arthery, karpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpall Tunnel Syndrome Tunel Sindrome Syndrom, kavernous Malformations Cavernious Malformations Cavernos Malformations Cavernus Malformations Cavermous Malformations Malfrmations, Cerrebellar Cerebelar Cerebrellar Astocytomas Astrocitomas Astrocythomas, Cerebrl Serebral Cerbral Cerebrall ishemia Ischema ichemia, Cerrebral Cerebal Palsie Plasy, Cerrebrospinal Cerebospinal Cereborspinal Cerebrospynal, Cerebrvascular Disease Cerebrovaskular Disease Cerebrovasculr Disease Serebrovascular Disease Disese, Cerrebrovascular Cerebovascular Cereborvascular Cerebrovascullar, Chiari Chyari Chairi Chiary, Chiary Malformation Shiari Malformation Kiari Malformation Ciari Malformation Chyari Malformation Malfrmation, Meduloblastoma Meddulloblastoma Medullo blastoma Medullobastoma Medulloblastioma, Choriod Choroyd Chorid Chorod Plexs, Chronc Shronic Cronic Kronic Chronik Chronyc, Cival Tumors Klival Tumors Clyval Tumors Clifal Tumors Clivall Tumors Tumurs, Limphoma Lhymphoma Lympoma Lymoma, Coloid Colliod Colloyd Collid Collod Collyd Cist zyst zist, Comon Peronael Perroneal Peronal, Conkussion koncussion Concusion Concussoin Concusson, Cranyofacial Cranniofacial Abormalities Abnormalyties Abnormallities, Cranio pharyngiomas Craniopharingiomas Craniopharynghiomas Craniopharyngyomas Craniopharyngoimas, Craniosinostosis Cranioshynostosis Craniosynostosys Cranio synostosis, Cussing Kushing Cuching Sindrome Zyndrome Syndome, Depresion Depressoin Deppression, Fistulla Fystula Fhistula, Distonia Dystonnia Dystonya Dyztonia Dystiona, Esinophilic Osinophilic Oesinophilic Eosinnophilic Eosinophillic Eosinophilyc Granulloma Grannuloma Granulomma, Epndymomas Ependimomas Ependmyomas Ependymommas, Eppidural Epydural Epidurral Epidurall Epidurla Hemtoma Hemattoma Hematomma, Epillepsy Epylepsy Epilepsi Siezures, Esential Essentil Essental Essetial Tremmor Tromer, Estesioneuroblastoma Esthesio neuro blastoma Esthesioneuroblastioma Esthesoineuroblastoma Esthesioneroblastoma Esthesioneurobastoma Esthezioneuroblastoma, Gliobastoma Glyoblastoma Gloiblastoma Gioblastoma Glioblastomma Multifrme, Glyomas Gloimas Glioas Glomas, Glomuz Glommus Jugullare Juggulare Jugular Juglare, Hemmangioblastoma Hemangiobastoma Hemagioblastoma Hemagnioblastoma Hemangyoblastoma, Hidrocephalus Hydroccephalus Hydroscephalus Hydrocepalus, Intra cranial Intracranial Intrakranial Intracranyal Hemmatoma Hemathoma, Intaventricular Intraventrikular Intravntricular Intraventicular Intraventricullar, Ishemic Ichemic Ischemik, Juvennile Juvenyle Juvenaile Pillocytic Pilocitic Pilocytik Pilosytic Astrosytomas Astrocitomas Astrocythomas Astrocytommas, Kiphosis Khyphosis Kyposis Kyphosys Kyphossis, Langerans Langerhaans Lagerans Lagerhans Histyocytosis Histiocitosis, Mallignant Perripheral Peripherral Seath Sheat shaeth, Meduloblastoma Meddulloblastoma Medullobastoma Medulloblastioma Medullo blastoma, Menningiomas Meningyomas Menigiomas, Messial Temporal Sclerosis Mesyal Temporal Sclerosis Sklerosis Sclerosys Sclerossis, Meta static Metastatik Methastatic Metastic, Glyomas Cliomas Gliommas Gliomass, Movment Disorders Dissorders Disorder, Mojamoja Moiamoia Moymoy Moyammoya Sindrome Syndromme, Neokortical Neocortikal Neocorticall Eppilepsy Epilepsi, Lakerations Laceratons Lacerrations Laccerations Nerv Laceration, Neurobehaviorall Neuro behavioral Neurobehaviorral neurobihavorial, Neurondocrine Neureondocrine Neuroendokrine Neuroendoctrine, Neuro fibroma Neurovibroma Neuroffibroma Neurofibrooma, mf nf1 nf nf 1, nf2 nf 2 n 2 n2, Hidrocephalus Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus, Obtetrical Obstetrikal Brachail Palsys, Ocipital Neuralgia Occipital Neuralgia Occypital Okipital Neuralgya Neurallgia, Olfatory Olfactorie Spenoid Spheniod Menigiomas, Olligodendrogliomas Olygodendrogliomas Oligoden drogliomas Ollygodendrogliomas Oligodendroglyomas Oligodendrogliommas Oligodendrogiomas Olligodendroliomas, Parrasellar Parassellar Paraselar Parraselar Parasselar Parrassellar, Pediatrik Pedaitric Pedatric Pediatic Anurysm Anerysm, Pediatrik Pedatric Peditric Pedaitric, Pediatrik Pedatric Peditric Pedaitric Epilepsie Epillepsy Eppilepsy, Pediatrik Pedaitric Pedatric Peditric Hidrocephalus Hydrosephalus Hydrocepalus, Pediatrik Pedatric Peditric Pedatic Pediatic, Pediatrik Pedatric Peditric Pediatic Vaskular Vascullar, Periperal Perypheral Perripheral, Phakomatosses Pakomatoses Phakkomatoses Pakommatoses Phakomattoses Phakomatoeses Phakomatose, Pinael Regon, Pituitarie Parrasellar Parassellar Paraselar Pharasellar, Pitiuitary Pituitarie Pitutary Pititary, Posterpetic Posthepretic Postherpetik Posteretic Nueralgia Neurallgia Neuralgya, Nueroectodermal Neureoctodermal Neuroektodermal Neuro ectodermal, Psichiatric Psychiatrik Psychitric Psychatric, Shwannoma chwannoma Schwanoma Schannoma, Scleroterapy Sklerotherapy Schlerotherapy Sclerotherrapy, Spyna Bifyda Biffida Spin Bifida, Cerrebrovascular Cerebovascular Cerebrovaskular Cerebrovascullar, Eppilepsy Epylepsy Epillepsy Epilepsi Epilepsie, Transient Transcient Transiend Ishemic Iskemic Ichemic, Trgeminal Trygeminal Trigeminnal Trigemynal, Tuberuos Tuberos clerosis Sclerossis Sclerosys, Vascullitis Vasculitys Vasculithis, Venemous Venuos Venos Venus, Aneurism Anuerysm, Angyoplasty Anglioplasty Anioplasty Perkutaneous Translumminal, Arteroigrams Arterriograms, Angoiplasy Angioplasi Angoplasy Stening Stenning, Carotyd Artery Surgery Arterie Artsery, Cerbrovascular Cerebovascular Cerebrovascullar, Cyngulotomy Cingulottomy Cingulotomie, Cranio facial Cranoi, Cranio pharyngioma Cranioparyngioma Craniopharingioma Craniopharyngyoma, Embolisation Embolizasion Emboluzation Embolizatoin, Enchepaloduroarteriosynagiosis Enschephaloduroarteriosynagiosis Enchphaloduroarteriosynagiosis Enchephalloduroarteriosynagiosis Enchephalodurorteriosynagiosis Enchephalodurarteriosynagiosis Enchephaloduroarteiosynagiosis Enchephaloduroartosynagiosis Enchephaloduroarteriosinagiosis Enchephaloduroarteriosynagiosys, Endoscopyc Endoscopik Endoskopic, Aneurism Endovaskular Endovascullar, Endovascullar endoscular, Epillepsy Epylepsy Epilepsi, Intratecal Intratheral Intrathekal Baklofen Bacloven, Abation Ablatoin, Microvascullar Decompression Decompresion Decompressoin, Micro vascular Microvascullar, invasif Endoskopic Endoscopik, Neuromodullation Neuromodulatoin Neuro modulation, Neuro psychiatry Neuropsichiatry Neuropsychaitry, Neuroradiologie Neuro radiology Neuroradoilogy, Neuro stimulation Neurostimulatoin, Depresion Neurosurgerie Neuro surgery, Pedaitric Epilepsy Pediatrik Epilepsy Epillepsy Eppilepsy, Periperal Stimulatoin Stimullation, Perypheral Periperal, Periperal Pheripheral Perypheral, Periperal Peyripheral Perypheral Exision excisoin, Pail Sinangiosis Synangoisis Synangiosys, Pitiutary Pituitarie, Revascularisation Revascularizatoin Revascullarization, Scleroterapy Sclerotherapie Sklerotherapy Scerotherapy, Rizotomy Rhizothomy Rhizotomi, Stening Stenning Stentin, Stenning Steting, Stereo tactic Stereotactik Steretactic, Sterreotactic Stereotaktic Stereo tactic Sterotactic Steroetactic, Embolizatoin Embolisation Embolation, Achondroplasia Achndroplasia Achondroplazia Acondroplasia chondroplasia Achondoplasia Achondroplasa Achondroplaza Ahondroplasia Aondroplasia Achonoplasia Achondrolas Achandroplasia Akandroplasia acondiroplasia achondrioplasia achondraplasia, Acuostic Acoustik Neurmas Nueromas, Acromegaly accromegaly Acromegally Akromegaly acromegalie acromegali, Annaplastic Anaplastik Anaplestic Anaplastyc Astrocitomas Astrokitomas Astrosytomas Astrocythomas Astocytomas, Aneurism Anuerysm, Arrachnoid Arachnod Arachnoyd Arachnoied Cist zyst Cyzt, Arterio venous Arteryovenous Arteriovenemous Malfrmations Malforations, Astrocitomas Astrosytomas Astrocythomas Astocytomas Astrokytomas, Artherosclerosis Aterosclerosis Atherrosclerosis Atherosklerosis Atherosclerossis, Attypical Atipical Atyppical Atypycal Atypikal, Aksillary Nerve Injury Axcillary Nerve Injury Axilary Nerve Injury Axillari Nerve Injury Axillarie Nerve Injury Axillery Nerve Injury, Brain Absess Brain Abcess Brain Absces Brain Apscess Brain Abscses, Brian Anuerysm Aneurism, Braintem Glioma Brainsem Glioma Brainsten Glioma Brainstem Glyoma Brainstem Gliona, youngerman youngman bret youngerman brett youngerman, Carrotid Carotyd Carothid Arteri Arthery, Carotyd Artery Surgery Arterie Artsery, karpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpall Tunnel Syndrome Tunel Sindrome Syndrom, kavernous Malformations Cavernious Malformations Cavernos Malformations Cavernus Malformations Cavermous Malformations Malfrmations, Cerrebellar Cerebelar Cerebrellar Astocytomas Astrocitomas Astrocythomas, Cerebrl Serebral Cerbral Cerebrall ishemia Ischema ichemia, Cerrebral Cerebal Palsie Plasy, Cerrebrospinal Cerebospinal Cereborspinal Cerebrospynal, Cerebrvascular Disease Cerebrovaskular Disease Cerebrovasculr Disease Serebrovascular Disease Disese, Cerrebrovascular Cerebovascular Cereborvascular Cerebrovascullar, Cerbrovascular Cerebovascular Cerebrovascullar, Chiari Chyari Chairi Chiary, Chiary Malformation Shiari Malformation Kiari Malformation Ciari Malformation Chyari Malformation Malfrmation, Meduloblastoma Meddulloblastoma Medullo blastoma Medullobastoma Medulloblastioma, Choriod Choroyd Chorid Chorod Plexs, Chronc Shronic Cronic Kronic Chronik Chronyc, Cyngulotomy Cingulottomy Cingulotomie, Cival Tumors Klival Tumors Clyval Tumors Clifal Tumors Clivall Tumors Tumurs, Limphoma Lhymphoma Lympoma Lymoma, Coloid Colliod Colloyd Collid Collod Collyd Cist zyst zist, Comon Peronael Perroneal Peronal, Conkussion koncussion Concusion Concussoin Concusson, Cranyofacial Cranniofacial Abormalities Abnormalyties Abnormallities, Cranio pharyngiomas Craniopharingiomas Craniopharynghiomas Craniopharyngyomas Craniopharyngoimas, Craniosinostosis Cranioshynostosis Craniosynostosys Cranio synostosis, Cussing Kushing Cuching Sindrome Zyndrome Syndome, Fistulla Fystula Fhistula, Distonia Dystonnia Dystonya Dyztonia Dystiona, conolly connoly conoly, Embolisation Embolizasion Emboluzation Embolizatoin, Enchepaloduroarteriosynagiosis Enschephaloduroarteriosynagiosis Enchphaloduroarteriosynagiosis Enchephalloduroarteriosynagiosis Enchephalodurorteriosynagiosis Enchephalodurarteriosynagiosis Enchephaloduroarteiosynagiosis Enchephaloduroartosynagiosis Enchephaloduroarteriosinagiosis Enchephaloduroarteriosynagiosys, Aneurism Endovaskular Endovascullar, Endovascullar Neuroradiologie Neuroradyology Neuroradoilogy Endovasular, Endovascullar endoscular, Esinophilic Osinophilic Oesinophilic Eosinnophilic Eosinophillic Eosinophilyc Granulloma Grannuloma Granulomma, Epndymomas Ependimomas Ependmyomas Ependymommas, Epillepsy Epylepsy Epilepsi Siezures, Esential Essentil Essental Essetial Tremmor Tromer, Estesioneuroblastoma Esthesio neuro blastoma Esthesioneuroblastioma Esthesoineuroblastoma Esthesioneroblastoma Esthesioneurobastoma Esthezioneuroblastoma, Gliobastoma Glyoblastoma Gloiblastoma Gioblastoma Glioblastomma Multifrme, Glyomas Gloimas Glioas Glomas, Glomuz Glommus Jugullare Juggulare Jugular Juglare, Hidrocephalus Hydroccephalus Hydroscephalus Hydrocepalus, Intra cranial Intracranial Intrakranial Intracranyal Hemmatoma Hemathoma, Intaventricular Intraventrikular Intravntricular Intraventicular Intraventricullar, Ishemic Ichemic Ischemik, Juvennile Juvenyle Juvenaile Pillocytic Pilocitic Pilocytik Pilosytic Astrosytomas Astrocitomas Astrocythomas Astrocytommas, Kiphosis Khyphosis Kyposis Kyphosys Kyphossis, Langerans Langerhaans Lagerans Lagerhans Histyocytosis Histiocitosis, Mallignant Perripheral Peripherral Seath Sheat shaeth, Meduloblastoma Meddulloblastoma Medullobastoma Medulloblastioma Medullo blastoma, Menningiomas Meningyomas Menigiomas, Messial Temporal Sclerosis Mesyal Temporal Sclerosis Sklerosis Sclerosys Sclerossis, Meta static Metastatik Methastatic Metastic, Microvascullar Decompression Decompresion Decompressoin, Glyomas Cliomas Gliommas Gliomass, Movment Disorders Dissorders Disorder, Mojamoja Moiamoia Moymoy Moyammoya Sindrome Syndromme, pediatric Feldstain Feldstien, Neokortical Neocortikal Neocorticall Eppilepsy Epilepsi, Lakerations Laceratons Lacerrations Laccerations Nerv Laceration, Neurondocrine Neureondocrine Neuroendokrine Neuroendoctrine, Neuro fibroma Neurovibroma Neuroffibroma Neurofibrooma, mf nf1 nf nf 1, nf2 nf 2 n 2 n2, Neuromodullation Neuromodulatoin Neuro modulation, Hidrocephalus Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus, Obtetrical Obstetrikal Brachail Palsys, Ocipital Neuralgia Occipital Neuralgia Occypital Okipital Neuralgya Neurallgia, Olfatory Olfactorie Spenoid Spheniod Menigiomas, Olligodendrogliomas Olygodendrogliomas Oligoden drogliomas Ollygodendrogliomas Oligodendroglyomas Oligodendrogliommas Oligodendrogiomas Olligodendroliomas, Parrasellar Parassellar Paraselar Parraselar Parasselar Parrassellar, Pediatrik Pedaitric Pedatric Pediatic Anurysm Anerysm, Pediatrik Pedatric Peditric Pedaitric, Pediatrik Pedatric Peditric Pedaitric Epilepsie Epillepsy Eppilepsy, Pedaitric Epilepsy Pediatrik Epilepsy Epillepsy Eppilepsy, Pediatrik Pedaitric Pedatric Peditric Hidrocephalus Hydrosephalus Hydrocepalus, Pediatrik Pedatric Peditric Pedatic Pediatic, Pediatrik Pedatric Peditric Pediatic Vaskular Vascullar, Periperal Perypheral Perripheral, Periperal Stimulatoin Stimullation, Phakomatosses Pakomatoses Phakkomatoses Pakommatoses Phakomattoses Phakomatoeses Phakomatose, Pail Sinangiosis Synangoisis Synangiosys, Pinael Regon, Pituitarie Parrasellar Parassellar Paraselar Pharasellar, Pitiutary Pituitarie, Pitiuitary Pituitarie Pitutary Pititary, Posterpetic Posthepretic Postherpetik Posteretic Nueralgia Neurallgia Neuralgya, Nueroectodermal Neureoctodermal Neuroektodermal Neuro ectodermal, Psichiatric Psychiatrik Psychitric Psychatric, Revascularisation Revascularizatoin Revascullarization, Slomon Roberd Sollomon Solommon Solomonn Salomon solomn, Shwannoma chwannoma Schwanoma Schannoma, Scleroterapy Sclerotherapie Sklerotherapy Scerotherapy, Scleroterapy Sklerotherapy Schlerotherapy Sclerotherrapy, Rizotomy Rhizothomy Rhizotomi, Spyna Bifyda Biffida Spin Bifida, Stening Stenning Stentin, Sterreotactic Stereotaktic Stereo tactic Sterotactic Steroetactic, Cerrebrovascular Cerebovascular Cerebrovaskular Cerebrovascullar, Eppilepsy Epylepsy Epillepsy Epilepsi Epilepsie, Transient Transcient Transiend Ishemic Iskemic Ichemic, Trgeminal Trygeminal Trigeminnal Trigemynal, Tuberuos Tuberos clerosis Sclerossis Sclerosys, Vascullitis Vasculitys Vasculithis, Venemous Venuos Venos Venus, Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH), Herniated Disc (Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar), Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor (MPNST), Olfactory Groove and Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas, Ossification Of The Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL), Arthroplasty (Artificial Disc Replacement), Carotid Artery Angioplasy and Stenting (CAS), Laminectomy, Laminotomy, Foraminotomy, Laminoforaminotomy, Microsurgical Spinal Cord Tumor Resection, Minimally Invasive (Endoscopic) Neurosurgery, Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF), Insurance & Your true medical practice at the Department of Neurological Surgery, like Surgery!, Dr and doubts about pursuing motherhood and a career in Neurosurgery gathering answers to a survey about life a. 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