Right now my weight has increased considerably. However, natural testosterone levels peak quickly at the end of the second week of the menstrual cycle and begins to drop again as estrogen rises. I’ve been taking testosterone for a year and a half and really want to discontinue it at this point. I went to give blood yesterday but my iron was slightly too high (19.2, 19 being the limit). Matsumoto AM "Effects of chronic testosterone administration in normal men: safety and efficacy of high dosage testosterone and parallel dose-dependent suppression of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and sperm production." Well, I can tell you that my energy level has fallen off the charts and I am having trouble concentrating and being productive. If your menstrual periods don’t stop within three months of taking testosterone, Depo-Provera® (a type of progestagen) can be injected every 3 months until the testosterone kicks in. If after 3 months if my FSH and LH and TT aren’t up near pre-therapy levels, I’ve got a 30 day supply of Clomid. Somewhere along the way my T levels dropped significantly and when at 3 (having consulted an Endocronologist) I was put on Reandron 1000 at 90 day intervals. If my illness ever gets cured I will go back on TRT for sure but for now I look forward to just admiring the most beautiful artwork on this planet once again. They are all incompetent. Additionally I was very very grouchy and snappy, and prone to mood swings. I found this article very enlightening. If you take enough testosterone to stop your period, you are also going to start growing hair on your upper lip, and your arm hair, etc. Then tapered off hcg reducing dosage for 2 weeks. These include things like: how long you’ve been taking testosterone / receiving boosters, how much you have been increasing it, how abruptly you tapered off of it, as well as other individual factors such as: diet, whether you exercise, etc. Better moods and outlook. I started getting heavy withdrawals from sustanon 250. I feel the same and I quit cold turkey after taking it for around 6 to 8 months. Anyway the nutcase that she is took me off without even telling me. I’ve been there and still on the recovery myself. Hormonal Balance . What would be the safest way to completely stop TRT? The entire nervous system will go through a period of readjustment when the dosing is dropped and following discontinuation. 7. I’m giving myself a month or two for LH to kick back in and make more of my own like I used too. In regard to your worries: Eat clean and still exercise. Memory and thought processing speed may both suffer after stopping testosterone shots. When you artificially boost testosterone, your body becomes accustomed to receiving the booster for daily functioning, and when the supply is cut, you may have a difficult time. It’s crazy, but I’m about ready to go out of my tree. First of all my libido has come back which of late (i.e. Run in for lots of tests, 3D MRI, etc. Are there any other side effects that I am likely to inherit such as prostate problems, Osteoporosis, Heart problems, Gynecomastia? He said it hardens arteries, and I’m wondering if there’s anything one can take to prevent this? This past October, PSA number more than doubled, and urology confirmed prostate cancer. Thanks for the reply Benji, After being off for several months now I have an appointment with a specialist. She probably had very little history with TRT. Also I could not gain an ounce on T, even at 10 calories a day. I tried Clomid at different doses but felt horrible on it. I’ve been off TRT for two and a half months now. I had a few days of random weird sweats or tender point all over pains and achy flu feeling but it was manageable. My guess is that my dose is too low to stop periods, or at the very least it would make them irregular. Canada, L5B 3C2. But this is reversible — if you stop taking testosterone, your period will come back. I like being stronger, having more endurance, more sex drive, more confidence. I’m 6 weeks of Cyp test and it’s going well. My Prostate which should be around 25mg was at 130mg and they found 2 tumors. If so, is TRT treatment the way to go, or should I try more of a restart like HCG? That was the magic combo… but he could not get my DHEA numbers under control even with supps. I injected 1ML every 4 days. May try some Tongkat Ali or other natural T boosters as well. strength training), and your diet can all influence how quickly you recover from withdrawals. First, if your ovaries are still present and functional, the cessation of testosterone may cause the return of certain feminine body characteristics, including monthly periods (see section below on "What changes are permanent?" Best of luck to you let me know how you are doing. There are some. I was on TRT for 6 months myself and haven’t returned to normal but haven’t had any blood work either I’m going to wait another month and see if I returned to low 400s total test. Note: The amount of time testosterone stays in your system may determine when you first notice these discontinuation symptoms. How Does Testosterone Affect Menstruation? I had the exact same response from stopping Androgel 1.62. Get off it slowly. It will be injected subcutaneously beneath the skin. This is my second time coming off TRT didn’t realize the last time it caused BPH. It feels like something seriously is going wrong with my muscular system. In this case, a doctor may recommend “TRT” (testosterone replacement therapy), which helps keep levels within the “normal” range. I am on 500 mg of test cyp per week, currently 9 weeks in, and planning on stopping after another 5-6 weeks. I was feeling flushed all the time. AndroGel), which often come in tubes or spray, recommended dosing is usually 5 g, 7.5 g, or 10 g of the gel, equating to between 25 mg and 50 mg of testosterone. Hello..was prescribe andro gel 1.62 for about 2 years..borderline low..At time 54 year old now 57..a year ago switched doctors..new doctor would not prescribe andro gel..without me stopping use and then being checked after 6 months..it’s been a year..by the way felt great while on it much more energy. If you don’t have prostate issues while coming off testosterone – feel lucky. After you stop testosterone therapy, you will likely also be put on a regimen of vitamins and nutritional supplements designed to stimulate your body to increase your natural testosterone output. HCG is a hormone that signals your body to produce your natural Test. The doctor had me on Test CYP – it says on the script. Jim. He simply stated “I don’t do testosterone prescriptions.” My regular doc, whose name is on the practice, never expressed any concerns about me being on it, but it seems he is backing the other doctor now because of my high iron (we all know that giving blood fixes this). Trying to keep working out, eat right, taking a few supplements, and the wife’s helping with attempting sex every day to try and increase my levels naturally. During all of this I had an enlarged Prostate and that was a concern and we kept an eye on it. I was feeling more and more lethargic, less energetic, tired, foggy brand et cetera. Thanks. It is clear most doctors have no clue what they are doing so the misinformation is confusing for patients. If hair isn’t coming back I might go back on it… Frustrated. (Currently in remission for the first time since 1994). My experience is LONG… Took anabolics in my 20’s. However, I would urge you to take your power back do some research and not rely on incompetent physicians. My appetite is better and I sleep better at night – and without spending days in bed nonstop sleeping because of major depression and lack of energy. You could get on the shot to stop your period; it's easy.. just a shot every 3 … How did you stop your testosterone? Thanks, Eric. D supplements as well. Great drug but lousy withdrawals plus the fact I’ve got to keep up the sexual practice. Basically I’m not feeling the same as I was before I started the T shots. As far as periods go, I cannot speak to this either, because I had a hysterectomy last January. At its peak, it will raise your libido and increase the intensity of orgasms. Stay natural. If anything stopping it has improved my mood significantly, I was pretty moody and depressed just before I quit it but that could be because I hate my job at the moment. For… Just for clarification, are we supposed to use the HCG, Clomid and Nolvadex all at once or in succession in the order you stated? Worse, zero motivation and sex drive. However, 4 years ago, I just decided I didn’t want to be on anymore. I had no sex drive in my early forties, terrible depression and weight gain. If a transdermal film application is utilized, most people take between 2.5 mg and 5 mg. I have heard test testosterone can make it worse. After 2 weeks it was 1 ml a week 2 times a week with a lowered dose of Clomid. Anyway, it’s been 3 months. It is important to work with your doctor to determine how quickly to taper off of testosterone.
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