I did this with an old necklace that I thought it was haunted and, well, it worked! Before using your smudge stick, ensure that you set an intention. You can try something like repeating the smudging on a daily basis for a while, change cleansing herbs and try something like white sage, or choose a brand-new approach of relying on spell casting! Let your smudge stick dry out in a dry and dark place or in basket for up to 10 days. She is abundant and really keeps the smudge stick alight with the way she burns. Mugwort was also used in Anglo-Saxon Britain to cure people who had fallen victim to “elf-shot,” which appears to be a catch-all term used to apply to people who had become sick at the hands of evil spiritual entities. How to make your own DIY Smudge Sticks. Then wrap the string around the whole bundle. Your email address will not be published. Can I buy it online? Use some blessed scissors (bless them with some oil of your choice, I usually bless my scissors or athame with extra virgin olive oil) and give thanks when you are done. [Step-By-Step]. Learning how to make a smudge stick is easy, but using it requires more forethought. Honoring The Four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Starting at the stem end, wind cotton thread in a spiral around the bundle to the tip of the bundle and back again. It lifts the burden of negativity and puts your mind at ease. Always make sure that a smudge stick is out before leaving the room where you keep it. Approximately 4” in length. Can Smudging Make Things Worse? Knot the two ends of the rope at the base. Smudge Sticks: Make a smudge stick from thoroughly dried sprigs of Mugwort leaves. The art of smudging has a long tradition with Native Americans. This is definitely NOT mugwort. Before using your smudge stick, ensure that you set an intention. Buying a smudge stick. Check your mugwort now and then to see when it’s ready. Positive Intent: Maintain positive thoughts as you smudge. This can be a simple bowl, dish, or even shell. Cut dried stalks with leaves still on them into fairly equal lengths. In an upward motion, begin to roll the mat over the stick, so that inside the mat the stick is rolling.You neednt roll really hard, just keep a firm, even pressure. The traditional elements of the smudge stick are the sage, cedar, and mugwort, with white sage being the most common. To make your own herbal smudge sticks will need: fresh herbs (5 to 10 sprigs per smudge stick) This is something you'll need to experiment with a bit, but it's a lot easier than it sounds. Find us on: Foundation Spellcasting FAQ Privacy Policy Terms of Use Contact Us About Magickal Spot kofiwidget2.init('Support the Website', '#29abe0', 'G2G11E538');kofiwidget2.draw(); Special in December - Breakup and Return Spell. Artemisia Vulgaris Smudge Stick: Mugwort smells amazing and has a calming smell and is wonderful to use as a smudge stick. Instead of a round binding it was often plaited. In many cultures it is instead used to chase away evil and negativity. You just need mugwort (of course! Set the smudge stick to dry in a basket or on a drying screen for 7-10 days (or as long as necessary). Firstly, when you’re ready to use your smudge stick, ensure that you have a dish to catch the cinders and ashes. Light the end of the smudge stick so that it is smouldering. If you can use a white candle to light them, even better! I might have overlooked that, but once I finally did get it to burn, it smells NOTHING at all like mugwort. Lavender has many magical uses, including cleansing, psychic protection, increasing clairvoyance, creating the energy of happiness and … If you feel something is quite off around you, mugwort can be helpful, especially if you need protection from negative entities or objects. Used to cleanse, protect or heal, the herbs in the smudge have beneficial properties and help reconnecting with the power of our … Okay, so you want to make your own smudge sticks. In order to do this, you can make your own smudge sticks or buy them online. Smudging is a great way to cleanse a sacred space, and most people use smudge sticks made of sweetgrass or sage for this purpose. The herbs have been for centuries seen in the Middle East, To smudge it, light one end of the stick and let it catch fire. Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. Make sure your smudge stick is completely extinguished. If you need some guidance to say the right words, read my guide about it! This can happen for a number of reasons. The first step is to gather the herbs you want to use to make smudge sticks. To make your own stick, you just have to wrap a 100% cotton string around the chosen herb, and make a knot at the bottom. With the branch tips pointing down, wrap the rope you created around the base of the branches, and tie the bundle. Pics with measurements are above. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure | Member Area. I recently posted about my research on Eastern White Cedar, and I wanted to follow-up that post with information on making smudge sticks, inspired by Eastern White Cedar. Smudging is a vital way to complete sacred work. Then extinguish the flame and let the burning branches smoke in a bowl, a shell, or any other fireproof object. If you decide to buy it online, I highly recommend relying on trusted and knowledgeable shops that can give you an explanation of the origins and the process they used to create the mugwort smudge sticks you are interested in, and that they have nice reviews from clients. [Different Chants], How to Make Smudge Sticks with Flowers? Also read: How to Make a Rosemary Smudge Stick? I love this usage and I definitely need to give it a try myself! You can do this by dabbing the lit end into a small bowl of ash or sand. What if I cannot find mugwort? Below is a step-by step guide on how to make them, storage tips, and a guide to 10 plants that are probably growing around your home that you can use. Enjoy. If you'd like to experience the benefits of a smudging ritual yourself you can purchase a smudge stick … Cut the mugwort branches you are going to use to 17-25cm (6-10 inches) in length. It is a magickal herbs used in many different ways, especially for its cleansing powers and protective properties. Firstly, when you’re ready to use your smudge stick, ensure that you have a dish to catch the cinders and ashes. To make your own stick, you just have to wrap a 100% cotton string around the chosen herb, and make a knot at the bottom. Making your own mugwort smudge sticks is not that difficult! Check the end closely to make sure there are no more embers burning. Mugwort is Traditionally Used For: Enhancing Psychic Powers Prophetic Dreams Astral Use Mugwort for spells, protection, lucid dreaming, vision quests, astral travel, lunar magick and scrying. That feeling is a sign something is off, so use mugwort smudge sticks to feel more protected from evil forces. Each stick measures approximately 3 to 4 inches long. That’s it! Place mugwort under your pillow to prevent astral attacks, or to ward off psychic attacks from those who would do you harm. Tradition provides that crowns of this plant are intertwined to adorn the head of the young, ward off evil spirits, and lighten the heart. In some magical traditions, mugwort is associated with divination and dreaming. To bring about prophecy and divinatory success, make incense of mugwort to burn at your workspace, or use it in smudge sticks around the area in which you are performing divination rituals. Fold the short end of the mat up over the stick so it. To bring about prophecy and divinatory success, make an incense of Mugwort to burn at your workspace, or use it in smudge sticks around the area in which you are performing divination rituals. Use five to nine stalks per smudge stick bundle. Maybe you weren’t that committed to the practice or you didn’t believe in the power of your mugwort smudge stick? Something rooted in our past, related to our ancestors and to wise ancient cultures, like Native American cultures; always be open to listen and work with the spiritual magickal side of our souls. Making Smudge Sticks from Homegrown Plants and Wildharvested Materials: Step by Step Instructions with Cedar, Rosemary, Sage, Mugwort, and More! I provide these “do it yourself” articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you. Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.  Thanks for your support! If you want to use mugwort as a cleansing herb to cleanse your life from negative energies, this guide will tell you all you need to know about how to make mugwort smudge sticks on your own for a unique, easy experience and great effects! [A Quick Guide]. They are easy to make but, above all, they are the best alternative to the classic incense sticks you find on the market, which can be harmful to health among other things. Learning how to make a smudge stick is easy, but using it requires more forethought. This sage is used for magic purposes in ritual practices, house c Magickal Spot is a witchcraft site dedicated to offering magical education, and we do this thorough explanation of the craft and its many nuances. Light your Smudge and gently blow to create the smoke, this will now be transferred to your surrounds to remove stagnant energy, evil, illness and lower negative vibes. To smudge :: Light the tip of the smudge stick with a lighter, match, or candle. Say a prayer out loud using something as customized as possible to your specific situation to truly cleanse the energy and your space. How to Make a Rosemary Smudge Stick? Tie the end and allow the bundle to dry … An infusion of mugwort is essential for cleaning and magnetizing magical spheres and mirrors. Step 1: Gather The Herbs. How to make a smudge stick: Native Indian peoples traditionally used ‘sweet grass’ - heirochloe odorata– because it grew around them in abundance and was associated with healing. These are wild and sustainably harvested. Although they are available commercially—and are fairly inexpensive—it's easy to make your own if you've got herbs growing in your garden, or if there's a place nearby where you … Also read: Can Smudging Make Things Worse? It stimulates better sleep and helps you get rid of nightmares and it is able to cleanse haunted objects, especially mirrors. This can be a simple bowl, dish, or even shell. Check all the available magickal options and, if you still cannot find the perfect fit, don’t forget I have a custom spell option available in both white and black magic! Smudge Kit - 6 Smudge Sticks Smudging Kit - Sage Kit Includes White Sage, Lavender Smudge Stick, Blue Sage, Yerba Santa, Cedar Smudge Stick, Rose Petal Sage - White Sage Smudge Sticks … In order to do this, you can make your own smudge sticks or buy them online. LIMITED QUANTITY Lavender and Mugwort Smudge Sticks are back in stock, just $8 each! We use mugwort as our base. For example, burned alone or with other appropriate herbs, mugwort develops active principles that favor mediumistic states and psychic powers. To use, light the smudge stick and enjoy the calming fragrance. Long-Lasting: Eartharomas smudge sticks are tightly bundled. I'm not sure what it is, but it had a shiny substance on it which made it hard to burn. What to Say When Smudging a House? This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge. [Which Herbs To Pick? It is renowned as a smudging herb for its subtle, sweet scent and dream inducing qualities. What should I do? Of course, you can, but harvesting mugwort and creating your own smudge sticks is a totally different experience! [Step-By-Step]. Black Sage won’t cause you to “trip” or wildly … Trim as needed to make it look neat. [Step-By-Step], How to Make White Sage Smudge Sticks? Find a good, healthy and abundantly growing … According to ancient knowledge, all plants possess a sacred spirit, a transcendental spirit. ... Once you’ve let your smudge stick dry out, it’s ready to be burned. $9.99 $ 9. Mugwort Smudge Stick The Witchs Herb - Also known as Black Sage Burn your Mugwort Smudge stick (also known as Black Sage) to cleanse and purify your home. You just need mugwort (of course! Feel free to share this article on Pinterest! Contrary to popular belief, the use of these plants for these purposes is not a new idea, nor a new age idea or the result of superstition. To use, first collect dried leaves and once you have enough, tie them into a bundle using a thread. When harvesting your mugwort, don’t forget to do this from a place of gratitude and acknowledgment of the energy and the gift Mother Nature is giving to you. Mugwort can help you eliminate negative energy and help you wake up in a good mood in the morning, full of life, energy, and hope. This gives the smudge stick a nice slow burn. [Step-By-Step] How to Make White Sage Smudge Sticks? Because the making process will give you the chance to connect with mugwort’s magic and energy and you can truly commit to the practice. When do I need to rely on mugwort for smudge sticks? – The Mugwort stick is a sacred herb associated with Artemis, a Greek moon goddess. It doesn't have the same effects as mugwort. This smudge stick is made of 100% natural aromatic botanicals, grown and made in USA. ), a pair of scissors or an athame, and some cotton.That’s it! While you are harvesting and making the smudge sticks remember to use your intention – think uplifting purification and protection. Making your own mugwort smudge sticks is not that difficult! ), a pair of scissors or an athame, and some cotton. How to use Smudging Sticks. Magick Morning: Our Daily Morning Self-Care Routine, The Ultimate Guide To Working With Moon Phases, I prefer to use my 4-inch mini cast-iron cauldron, sign up for our FREE Nature Magick e-mail newsletter. Each mugwort smudge stick is unique and varies in size and shape. According to ancient ways and traditions, they know that at plants that have sacred healing and cleansing essence. Mugwort (also known as Black Sage) – The Mugwort stick is a sacred herb associated with Artemis, a Greek moon goddess. Mugwort Smudge Stick - 6 1/2 inch lucid Dreaming Trance scrying divination witchcraft incense pagan shaman druid witch wiccan feminine StarMoonMagicRaven. Can it be Dangerous? Let it burn out. Mugwort was also used in Anglo-Saxon Britain to cure people who had fallen victim to “elf-shot,” which appears to be a catch-all term … 99 ($3.33/Count) FREE Shipping. Mugwort, also called black sage, is a medicinal plant with multiple beneficial properties for human health. Smelling of clean fresh hay with a touch of vanilla, it’s smoke is gently invigorating, freeing the space of … Saint Terra - Mountain Sage or Desert Mugwort 4 Inches Smudge Stick; Pack of 3. Reusable: Because of the unique way we make them, they are easy to stub out, so you can reuse again … [DIY Guide]. [Step-By-Step] How to Make a Cedar Smudge Stick? Be patient and don’t rush things. 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