Accomplished student of science means what?!! mriham700, in answer to your question it is a long known fact that among those in THE KNOW, we are living inside a black hole and so we cannot be sucked into one because you cannot go to where you already are. And this doesn't take into account that the sun is much larger than the Earth, so it experiences many more high-energy collisions than our planet does. 2020 Black Hole Created Inside Earth CERN Large Hadron Collider New Year Experiment That Went Wrong. They almost had me, but then they were keeping in touch and sending supplies!!!! While black holes will absorb surrounding material and grow, an isolated black hole will slowly lose mass. Cosmos, News, Science Poor Nickelback, they’re always getting a bad rap…. He probably ran off with a secret love and didn’t tell anyone. Such a question requires a powerful and definitive answer. The first question is whether a black hole can even be created at the LHC. In short, everything is false . Small boxes containing food, water and a flash light are regularly thrown into each fleeting mini black hole similar to the one which swept away the unfortunate missing person. The media coverage of this news has caused great concern among the population as what once fell within the realm of collective fantasy now seems to have become an unfortunately reality. But there is an answer to that too. A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out. Gravity is simply too weak for this to occur. Maybe they will stick around and wreak carnage on the globe. super/collider black holes and neutron stars join us at the Ace Hotel Downtown LA for an evening exploring black holes and neutron stars, some of … Even if the collider did manage to create a microscopic black hole, researchers have found that it would evaporate within one-trillionth or one-millionth of a second. A possibility which had also reluctantly been raised by Stephen Hawking in an interview with the press. [more] So the first thing a micro-black hole would do is leave the planet safely behind. They found him, he was in the toilet with a dose of the shits, sources at the site say it was a dodgy batch of chilli. Some even go so far as to ask whether one of humanity's most ambitious research projects could even pose an existential threat to the Earth itself. Cosmic rays hit the Earth, the sun, other stars and all the myriad denizens of the universe with energies that far exceed those of the LHC. Now increase your flow of Dimethyltryptamine because clearly you are not quite enough in an hallucinatory state since you can vomit pure gibberish. There was a problem. Tou havent watched the flash? To dissipate and drive out the residual electron cloud, the accelerator has to be brought to the limit of its maximum permissible capacity to stealthily circulate very high-energy flows of particles. This article sounds hokey but LoL! While we are now assured that the LHC is utterly safe, it is absolutely true that the safety question was important for scientists to investigate. Microscopic black holes. If micro black holes do appear in the collisions created by the LHC, they would disintegrate rapidly, in around 10-27 seconds. These would decay immediately by means of Hawking radiation, producing all particles in the Standard Model in equal numbers and leaving an unequivocal signature in the ATLAS detector. Or do black holes merely eat human flesh? Nobody would be working on the collider when it is operational hahahahaha. Lokm at the other “stories” on this site. Let it be said once and for all : the site is a parody site, satirical , anxiety and inconsiderate . Occam’s razor? Pandemics and natural disasters cause pain and … Another proposed danger is a thing called a strangelet. Pairs of orbiting black holes can merge, shaking the very fabric of space itself. There is no such thing as mini black-hole capable of sucking a man. There can not be anything like time travel. Because cosmic ray collisions are between a fast-moving and a stationary proton, the "dangerous" particle (whatever that might be) gets produced at high velocity and may shoot out of the Earth before it has time to damage it. In fact, the whole exercise was a satisfying one, as it used the best scientific principles to come to a definitive conclusion that all can agree is valid. Complete crackpot rubbish. Given the exploratory nature of the LHC research program, what is needed is an ironclad reason that demonstrates that the facility is safe even if no one knows what the LHC might encounter. The French scientific information website recently reported a strange case of the unexplained disappearance of a CERN physicist carrying out maintenance work on the beam tubes guiding high-energy particles in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This happens all the time. You will receive a verification email shortly. Follow all of the Expert Voices issues and debates — and become part of the discussion — on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. He will return astride a silver surfboard 5 days prior to the arrival of Galactus, to warn us of the impending destruction. A physicist working at the CERN (the European Organization for nuclear research) has been sucked into a mini black hole created by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located a few kilometres from Geneva in Switzerland, … Fake. Hilarious ” Immanent opening of the gates of hell ” And in an instant, the article is written by a clandestine paranoid skitzophrenic, Following the idea to its logical conclusion, if a strangelet were made on Earth, it would result in the entire planet collapsing down into a ball of matter made of strangelets … kind of like turning the Earth into an exotic version of neutron star. Lol. Glitches in the Matrix. And, occasionally, that inconvenient bit of matter is the Earth. 85 Comments So, they initiate NEW BLACK HOLES to try to retrieve their comrade? In middle of July! People were already stupid. I picked the Earth because it is near and dear to us, but the Earth isn't the only thing being hit by cosmic rays. The Large Hadron Collider at Cern (shown) in Geneva is now operating at the highest level yet in a bid to detect miniature black holes, which are considered a key sign of a 'multiverse' So now we can push back the boundaries of our ignorance, with only our increasing excitement of the prospect of a discovery to distract us. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The concept of false memories has been around for centuries, but these focus on individuals. He also writes about science for the public, including his recent "The Large Hadron Collider: The Extraordinary Story of the Higgs Boson and Other Things That Will Blow Your Mind" (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014). If it impacts ordinary matter, it will make the matter it touches also turn into a strangelet. your an idiot do your research, some of there top scientist have gone on air talking about how theyve actually ripped through our demension to another and one of there head scientist disappeared. And here it is…. If if they did, then why didn’t it also take out the pipes, the shielding, and other equipment? What immediately follows are the weaker (but still compelling) reasons why this possibility is, well, not possible, and in the next section you will see the cast-iron and gold-plated reasons to dismiss this and all other possible Earth-ending scenarios. When you ask if the LHC is safe, you have to realize that the universe has already done the experiments for us. A simulation of a particle collision inside the Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest particle accelerator near Geneva, Switzerland. What ? People that claims their truth are menrally ill. Nobody can tell what happens when you are sucked into the black hole unless you experienced it yourself. The Large Hadron Collider was first turned on in 2008. © Such studies provide great excitement for those of us passionate about understanding the world around us, but some are apprehensive of the unknown and wonder if new and powerful science, and the facilities where it is explored, could be dangerous. Thus, the barrage of cosmic rays from space have been doing the equivalent of LHC research since the Earth began — we just haven't had the luxury of being able to watch. I am a man of science with my 3D blackboard. And yet the sun and the neutron stars we see in the universe all are still there. Black holes are regions in which matter collapses into a point of infinite density. The particle zooming down to the center is just moving around in the black hole, while the particle that moves out escapes the black hole entirely. No collider necessary. So let's dig a bit deeper into what makes some suspect a danger, and then explore a fairly detailed description of the point and counterpoint involved in delivering a solid and satisfying answer to the question. Except unlike the totally make believe data you accept and disseminate 99% of their claims are based in fact. Your email address will not be published. This is a hoax or some foolish joke. However, there is a loophole that potentially reduces the argument's strength. Do the main investors for the National Enquirer own this foolish site?, if not then those who have come to realize that through the use of mind altering drugs and indoctrinators who vomit complete gibberish to our young they will have an endless supply of completely mindless losers who will wholeheartedly accept this drivel . LHC Collective hysteria is what the scientific organisation feared more than anything else and it is now worried that its highly complex experiments, designed solely for the purpose of studying the basic constituents of matter in an attempt to discover the secret behind the physical laws that govern the Universe, may now be stopped unconditionally. Do you get poobacteria on your weener when you put it in a black hole? join super/collider and Turner contemporary online on 9 July to hear from artist Armelle Tulunda and astronomer Paul Hill. So is there a paralel universe behind it? Protons race down this tunnel at 99.999999% the speed of light. Well, they keep making the super colliders. Yeah it’s impossible because I say so the truth is not one person who has ever lived except Jesus Christ can fully fathom the depths of existence through and through from hell to heaven and everything in between …. When two protons collide inside the machine, they create an energetic explosion that gives rise to new and exotic particles. That’s exactly what cern is doing . You can follow him on Facebook. 07/05/2016 Forcing photons and smashing I them to find different dementia s. They do not hide or deny this … Why don’t you people do some real research and listen to the top physicists . ... black holes and neutron stars. Stay up to date on the coronavirus outbreak by signing up to our newsletter today. Luckily, we have the most compelling answer of all: Nature has been running the equivalent of countless LHC experiments since the universe began — and still does, every day, on Earth. Fox News does very well . They could send in a rifle then the scientist would be the invisible person on the grassy knoll. Large Hadron Collider Hasn’t Created Any Black Holes, Despite Early Fears. The particle zooming down to the center is just moving around in the black hole, while the particle that moves out escapes the black hole entirely. All this is very bad news for the CERN whose image as the world’s largest and most prestigious scientific laboratory is likely to be tarnished. Two protons slamming together. The opinions here are his own. I’m not sure of which you guys are more unworthy, the use of toplevel domain ‘scienceinfo’ or the extention ‘news’.. Bullshit. He just went outside to buy cigarettes. They haven't disappeared. While there are lots of cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere with LHC energies, the situations between what happens inside the LHC and what happens with cosmic rays everywhere on Earth are a bit different. Skeptics have proposed that the LHC would produce many possible dangers, ranging from the vague fear of the unknown to some that are strangely specific. Mein Kommentar wird verändert wiedergegeben ersuche um Richtigstellung! Thank you for signing up to Live Science. Cosmic rays of that energy are rarer than the lower energy ones, but still 500,000,000 of them hit the Earth's atmosphere every year. Many of them do not agree with what cern is doing because they know the consequences it could have for all humanity, time travel is possible and has already been done and yes this article is most likely fake. Some hypotheses, based on the ADD model, involve large extra dimensions and predict that micro black holes could be formed by the LHC. I like how they avoid posting names because anyone could actually look it up, but they don’t want anyone to look anything up, since it’s all BS. This is a tricky point. But there is no evidence that strangelets are real, so that might be enough to keep some people from worrying. (not proved yet), Maybe because the closest black hole to us is vast light years away at the center of the Milky Way?? The Super Collider has the power to access parallel universes. Mind you, there is zero evidence that strangelets are anything other than an idea born in the fertile imagination of a theoretical physicist. Part 1 Cosmic rays carry a range of energies, from the almost negligible, to energies that absolutely dwarf those of the LHC. The variation in depth was deliberate, to reduce the amount of tunnel that lies under the Jura Mountains to avoid having to excavate a vertical access shaft there. It's easy to throw numbers around a bit glibly. Alas, when looking at all of the scientific evidence and using our most modern understanding of the laws of the universe, there is no way that the LHC can make a black hole. Only 23% of Americans correctly locate the Earth in the solar system, Chinese celebrate Easter with pangolin egg hunt, China announces the upcoming release of the all-new Covid-20 Pro, Women’s Day: The International Space Station astronaut will be exceptionally excused from housekeeping, Coronavirus: several sun eclipses canceled, Coronavirus: fellatio less contagious than a handshake according to the CDC. Don Lincoln is a senior scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Fermilab, the United States' biggest Large Hadron Collider research institution. The most powerful particle accelerator in the world, the Large Hadron Collider, has not yet created any black holes as some have feared, researchers say. In short, do not believe everything they tell you and more so all you read on the internet. Certainly, A black hole always sucks everything that goes near it. As far as multiverses go I think it may be possible to some degree not so much as split realities but more like a spirit realm which may be where the scientist went to …. Capital idea! Cosmic ray collisions involve fast-moving protons hitting stationary ones, while LHC collisions involve two beams of fast-moving protons hitting head-on. But it's not really a silly question for people who haven't thought carefully about it. Further, we can expand the number of cosmic targets to include neutron stars, which consist of matter so dense that whatever potentially dangerous thing we might consider will stop dead in the neutron star right after it is made. We seem to be getting closer and closer to the big bang. 4 months ago. I would strongly doubt it. The person has been teleported to a parallel universe. People do not need this kind of site to be stupid. The physicists are supposed to be amongst the smartest people around. Thus, we can conclude that whatever happens in the LHC, it poses exactly, precisely, inarguably, zero danger. Most people think of a black hole as the mass at the center, but it's actually both the mass at the center and the energy stored in the gravitational field. (It's like in billiards when a cue ball hits another ball. All of those phenomena, as well as many others, cause subatomic particles to be flung across space. So let's ask that question now and get it out of the way. We could list all of the possible dangers, but there remains something more unsettling to keep in mind: Since we don't know what happens to matter when we start studying it at energies only possible with the LHC (that is, of course, the point of building the accelerator), maybe something will happen that was never predicted. LOL, Total nonsense. In order to make that many collisions, we'd need to run the LHC continuously for 70 years. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, After all, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's biggest and most powerful particle accelerator, is explicitly an instrument of exploration, one that is designed to push back the frontiers of ignorance. When you don't know what you don't know, you … well … you don't know. So having established the ironclad safety of the LHC, what then? One particle will go into the hole, but the other will escape and carry away energy. How about a name of this scientist? The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) was a ring particle accelerator which was planned to be built in the area around Waxahachie, Texas. They make people stupid. A large black hole will lose energy very slowly, but a small one will evaporate in the blink of an eye. Ever is a strong function of the matter in the LHC, what then two for... Up empty next time I comment race down this tunnel at 99.999999 % the speed of.! 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