T will ask in-depth questions about the subject including: How did McCarthy become so successful? At the end of World War II, the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union divided the defeated Germany into four occupation zones, as outlined at the Yalta Conference in February 1945 and formalized at Potsdamlater that year. The national strategy of containment demanded the U.S. stop communist aggression into the countries of Southeast Asia. T will tell the students that they have to hide their cards. I really tried to get into character and demand names (in a similar style to what Sen. McCarthy did in the early 1950's). Terms in this set (7) Divided Germany. The doctrine was policy to "support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures," and announced on March 12th, 1947 by US President Harry Truman, making the doctrine US government policy for decades. Through a jigsaw activity, students will review key events, key terms, and key issues from 1941 - 1947, that led to the development of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA. By the end of the lesson, SWBAT explain how America tried to contain communism at home and abroad. Thank you so much for being part of the BetterLesson community. BetterLesson's unique formula allows us to bring you high-quality coaching, a professional As understood, attainment does not recommend that you have astounding points. learning lab, and a learn-by-doing process that embeds PD into the classroom. T will stop the game and tell the Ss that this strategy of picking on people is what McCarthy did -  it is how he became famous and popular (at first). Soviet Union threatened that with it’s influence on Eastern Europe and it’s creation of Satellite Nations – Countries in Eastern Europe that had Communists governments imposed by Soviet Union in order to make sure they would side with Russia. Cold War Mini Q What Was Containment Packet Answer Key Essay Containment Mini Q Answers Cold War Containment Mini Q Answers This is likewise one of the Page 2/6. Containment was a foreign policy of the United States of America, introduced at the start of the Cold War, aimed at stopping the spread of Communism and keeping it "contained" and isolated within its current borders of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR or the Soviet Union) instead of spreading to a war-ravaged Europe. Berlin, though located within the Soviet-occupied zone, was divided as well, with the Western part of the city in Allied hands and the east under Soviet control. Ss will share their answers to the Math problem. Containment is a geopolitical strategic foreign policy pursued by the United States. The war dragged on for years, and thousands of Americans died. Spell. Ss will understand how McCarthy became popular, and how he fell so fast. Explain the two opposing sides in the Vietnam War. George Kennan 2. The Policy of Containment was a key part of this struggle. Therefore, the theme of the lesson is "containment" in the broad sense. Flashcards. Test. John F. Kennedy. C - 17,000,000,000 6. From what you know about Stalin, what was his motive? T will hand out the graphic organizer for the day and begin the lesson with the following sponge: “The Berlin Wall was 155 km and its height was 3.6 meters, convert the length and height of the Berlin Wall from metric to standard units using the following formula km x .62 = miles: meters x 3.28 = feet.” (Math integration). containment: A military strategy to stop the expansion of an enemy. Phone: 202-955-0200. Vietnam War. Learn. 15. Oh no! McCarthy insisted that secret communists worked in the U.S. and were trying to turn the U.S. into a communist state. The geography of cold wars: what was containment? STUDY. This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. Was this before, during, or after the World War II? an imaginary line separating Europe's communist and non-communist countries, and later a literal wall separating Berlin. T will explain that today we are going to learn about the start of the containment movement and the threat of communism at home and abroad. (Note: The Soviets had to look the word up), Using only information from the map tell the Cuban missile crisis story, How did United States action in Cuba demonstrate the policy of containment. T will review the answers to the exit ticket. Ss will comprehend that witch-hunts don’t really amount to much in the end. Defining containment and the bipolar world, and the role they played in Cold War policy How the 9/11 terrorist attacks led to the creation of the preemptive war doctrine Skills Practiced This started an Anti-Communism movement led by Joseph McCarthy. Match. 2. Explain this quote, What did the Soviets do between June 27, 1948, and May 12, 1949, They decided to blockade any shipments including food. Many people who were accused lost their jobs and were “blacklisted” in their industries. Explanation: The Vietnam War was a result of the national strategy of containment. T will give the students three minutes to go around the room trying to figure out who has the red card. The reflections on the activity were great and we spent a little more time on that than I anticipated.Â, Subject(s): Korean War (U.S. History), Communism (Cold War Era), Cold War Era and aftermath 1945 - Today, Cold War, Senator Joseph McCarthy, Korean War, Containment, capitalism, North Korea, South Korea, McCarthyism, Joseph McCarthy, Grade(s): Fourth grade, Fifth grade, Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade, Save Common Core Tags Vietnam like Korea was a war in which the USA attempted to stop the spread of communism in the region of the South Pacific. After WWII Germany would be divided into West Germany and Berlin (Democratic) and East Germany and East Berlin (Communist). Why do you think Sen. McCarthy did what he did? Answer Key 1. Gravity. (. Answer: A. T will have the Ss discuss these questions with partners and then with the class. The U.S. also took the lead in trying to prevent the spread of communism to other countries. Why did Stalin want control of eastern Europe after World War II, The idea that the Soviet union and Soviet communism should not be allowed to spread, What did the US do to try to combat communism, Looking for weak spots to push in probe, to test American commitment to containment.