Emotional suffering is betrayal, sadness, loneliness and feelings What does your religion say about suffering? On the other hand, suffering … Examples include Joseph’s imprisonment in Egypt, where his suffering resulted in many people being saved physically from starvation and spiritually from sin. That purpose is not always punishment, although sin does bring punishment. And that's to suffer spiritually.” He admits that he experienced this type of suffering during a recent period of being “lost” to himself and to God through alcoholism. As the oldest child of seven, she took care of the younger children while her mother worked. This definition draws on the inclusive definitions of suffering mentioned earlier in this article and also speaks to key experiential aspects of suffering that respondents reported. You can't help it.” Her internal–external distinction between depression and suffering was common in our sample. "Dukkha" is Pali, a variation of Sanskrit, and it means a lot of things. He admits that his thoughts have “changed” since his wife's seizure. This approach retains the flow, flavor, and surface meanings of the story. Otherwise, you'll waste time spinning your wheels over a word that doesn't mean what the Buddha meant. The Buddha describes this situation by teaching that birth is suffering. (4) We may suffer persecution because of our faith—especially when we take a stand on biblical issues, i.e., suffering for righteousness sake (2 Tim. The intention in interpretation is to describe, explain, and elaborate phenomena as related by the informant and based on the entire transcript (Stake, 1995). So we cannot avoid suffering in life. An 85-year-old African American man described suffering as the helplessness he now feels as a result of failing health: “You go on and one day your realize how little control you have over life. You feel like you're leaving here.” Her fear of death did not motivate her to prepare for death. Many elders saw value in suffering in light of a personally constructed, spiritual interpretation of the suffering incident rather than through their religion's traditional doctrine. The Lord, our Teacher, doesn’t hide himself anymore. We offer these definitions because they speak to the all-encompassing nature of suffering as a threat to an integrated existence, which resonates with our informants' accounts of suffering. Culture cannot be abstracted from a society's historical reality; interaction among members is central to inheriting and bequeathing a culture (Hall, 1959; Turner, 1996). An adult's ability to direct his or her comings and goings and to satisfy his or her needs remains a benchmark of maturity. Some translators are chucking out "suffering" and replacing it with "dissatisfaction" or "stress." Do you think older people suffer more than younger people? He lives in a “changing” community where former friends and businesses have left the city, yet he himself lacks the resources, such as money and physical strength, to move away. Beginning with the initial interview, we discussed each text as to its nature and where it might belong among themes. However, there has been no systematic, prospective, patient-oriented research which has focused on unbearable suffering, nor is there a suitable measurement instrument. Certainly, the term has personal and communal connotations for informants and elicits images that are both unique and culturally and religiously shared. The suffering of change. Private interviews lasted from 1 to 3 hr in one session. Unbearable suffering is an important issue in end-of-life decisions. An 82-year-old European American woman interpreted suffering before death as a summons to take final control over her life. “My parents wouldn't like the things that I think now. The heightened incidence of chronic and acute disease, physical pain, depression, decline in mobility, more frequent loss, and nearness to death or finitude, although normative, may contribute to an overall sense that elders suffer. This view of earthly existence as inhospitable to lasting happiness has driven many to very pessimistic views on life. In general there is impermanence and imperfection of life, which both cause suffering. When the “last was gone” she felt bereft of her identity as well as her family. A psychological scenario of “time running out,” being “passed by,” or “past one's prime” is culturally connected to old age. But some people can't get past that English word "suffering" and want to disagree with the Buddha because of it. A “normal” part of growing older? Understanding dukkha, however, is critical to understanding the Four Noble Truths, and the Four Noble Truths are the foundation of Buddhism. Suffering challenges the management of the self. This sense of unreality also led to an existential state of both living and watching oneself go through the motions of life, and it forced another question: “To whom is this happening?” The changes that suffering brought to bear on elders' bodies, roles, identities, and worldview often carried an acute sense of alienation. 32:23). Perhaps similar to those of the gravely ill, elders' hopes for this life are condensed into the small triumphs of every day, such as “waking up each morning” or “walking a block or two.” In other words, hope rests on the diminution and arduousness of daily life. What happened? For example, most religious believers in the study thought “God has nothing to do with suffering.” Suffering was a “human” creation; it was God who comforted them, suffered along with them, or led them through or out of the experience with spiritual gifts, such as compassion or fortitude accrued through suffering. We used narrative analysis, a specialized form of qualitative analysis, as the method of analyzing our data (Mischler, 1986; Polkinghorne, 1988; Reissman, 1997; Sarbin, 1986), as it follows Bruner's (1990) meaning of how protagonists interpret lived experiences, and Polkinghorne's (1988) assertion that, in narrative, the past is reconstructed in light of the narrator's present worldview, which in turn is shaped by past experiences such as suffering. Eligible and interested informants were interviewed either at the informant's home or, if the respondent preferred, at the office of H. Black. Most respondents gave short responses to questions concerning suffering before death. The self may be defined as two complementary faculties: a process that is unfolding and an object that is observed (Charmaz, 1995). The idea is to kill the animal as quickly as … SUFFERING is a ubiquitous human experience but is not specifically the same as depression, grief, illness, pain, or similar events that occur in later life. Defining and interpreting the experience of suffering is based on, among other things, individual sensibilities, a model of how the world works, what suffering means, if anything, and how elders evaluate it. To suffer through loss is not only to lose loved ones but also to lose the roles that one held in relation to them. The skandhas, or "five aggregates," or "five heaps," are a combination of five properties or energies that make what we think of as an individual being. “I guess you should have that feeling that you're going to die so you can say what you can and do what you can, like pay bills and tell the family where everything is before you go.” For her, suffering before death is necessary; it motivates her to actively and concretely prepare for leaving this world. Take for example a gold fish; most experiments claim they have a life span of three seconds, comparing that to a human life it can be said that we would suffer by recollecting old memories that brought us pain and suffering. She now links her reluctant acceptance of a disabled son with mourning those spiritual capacities—faith and hope—that might have helped her cope with his disabilities. Life may be going well for some of you, but we all face some things to varying degrees in life. Examples of pain and suffering settlements could involve: Someone is the victim in a car accident and suffers whiplash and a concussion. Thus, the overall recruitment aim was to cast as wide a net as possible, to work with informants to develop their own definitions of suffering, and to engage the breadth of older individuals' meanings of suffering. Although he lives in “constant pain” from several debilitating illnesses, losing his son was and remains the “greatest suffering.” When asked what a picture of suffering would show, he answered without hesitation, “Christ on the cross. President Kimball’s experiences serve as an example of how we should meet similar adversity and suffering in our lives. For them, the contingency of the pained body extended to life itself. In order to acknowledge the uniqueness of each elder's definition of suffering, the conceptual framework of our research was based on a model of the person derived from work in cultural anthropology and gerontology (Rubinstein, 1989, 1992). Ph 1:3-8 V. SUFFERING MAKES US MORE DEPENDENT UPON … A 75-year-old European American woman is homebound as a result of several debilitating illnesses, including arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and ulcerative colitis. Culture is our native starting point; it is the shared blueprint of both the local and larger world into which we are born and take part in shaping. Brief case studies illustrate how themes emerged in elders' stories of suffering. He thinks of things he seldom considered, such as “life everlasting.” He feels pushed into another realm of consciousness—where things unseen and unproven to exist are important subjects for wonder and study. Do you think that being older and closer to the end of life is a form of suffering? An 81-year-old African American widow claimed that her primary role in life was a caretaker. An 82-year-old European American woman confided that “I feel like I'm empty inside, like I'm already dead. He has kept his integrity and his testimony, and sung the praises of his Lord throughout his many physical trials. When our sins catch up with us and we feel the pain, in humility, let’s humble ourselves and accept it. When she first learned she had cancer, she urged her family to “keep it quiet” because of the shame she attached to it. Consequently, cells contained 10 African American men and women and 10 European American men and women each (N = 40). We have never heard him complain about his trials. Third, the experience of suffering is more than the sum of its parts. This qualitative research study explored the personal meaning of suffering to a group of 40 community-dwelling elders, stratified by gender and race. From the lowest life form to the highest heavenly realm, suffering is an inescapable part of experience. A 74-year-old European American man admitted that his suffering began after his parents died. Some of the core questions we asked in the interview are provided in the Appendix. 'Whatever is impermanent is dukkha' (Yad aniccam tam dukkham). Suffering plays an important role in a number of religions, regarding matters such as the following: consolation or relief; moral conduct (do no harm, help the afflicted, show compassion); spiritual advancement through life hardships or through self-imposed trials (mortification of the flesh, penance, asceticism); ultimate destiny (salvation, damnation, hell). For example, anything temporary is dukkha, including happiness. "Dukkha" is one of those words. Do you think suffering is a “normal” part of life? Content concerning suffering consisted of two categories: responses to direct questions about suffering and materials about suffering that occurred elsewhere in the interview, not in response to direct questions. There are several excellent studies that have explored the experiential problems of old age, such as decline, fear, illness, loneliness, and grief, and, through these experiences, suffering (Kaufman, 1980; Myerhoff, 1979, 1984). One, deserved suffering. The audiotapes of private interview sessions were transcribed and checked for accuracy. Other work obtains here as well. Many elders said that they seldom thought about this subject. A 76-year-old European American woman suffered when she finally accepted the fact that her son, born with an incurable congenital disease, “would never get better.” At that moment she “stopped praying and gave up hope.” Although she said that she suffered because her son was unable to realize his “wonderful potential,” she revealed that suffering also resulted from her loss of faith. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. What is significant in these studies is that they focus on how individuals define, understand, and cope with the stressors they experience as part of both a personal and shared system of meaning (Becker, 1997). Critical to the experience of suffering is the perception that common sense notions of life and living disappear. Suffering The experience of physical pain and/or mental distress. Narrative analysis acknowledges that definitions, descriptions, and interpretations of suffering are personally, culturally, historically, and socially contingent. Each elder in our sample uniquely defined suffering, sadness, and depression and rooted his or her definitions in the context of the joys and sorrows, triumphs and struggles of a lifetime. He recalled that the elderly woman “would wake me up at 2 in the morning to eat dinner.” His fear lay both in his grandmother's “craziness” and the fact that grandmother and grandson became strangers to each other. Start where you like and take as much time as you need. Suffering as loss was transformed into compassion for others' losses, or an awareness of the fragility of life. First, part of the immeasurable and paradoxical nature of suffering is that, as an experience, it is both bounded and unbounded. What do you think is the purpose of your suffering? She described her suffering this way: “Suffering is a constant search for solutions. 31–39). Although many informants felt, in many ways, ageless, internalizing the cultural view of old age as unproductive caused suffering. This research was supported (in part) by the Fetzer Institute. What do you think happens after we die? This theme's pervasiveness in elders' narratives reminds us that elders' suffering is experienced and expressed in the cultural context of American views about the self, specifically agency, activity, and productivity. These are: This takes us to the Buddha's teachings on the self. For purposes of discussion, we define the terms that are integral to and related in this article, such as culture, self, and suffering. Conversely, a 73-year-old European American man doubted the religious truths his parents taught him. What we think of as our self, our personality, and ego, are temporary creations of the skandhas. In the latter stage of her life she feels bereft; she is left with a self that shames her. The ill, dependent, frail, or grief-stricken elder offends the American conception of the person as strong, independent, and capable—or in control. His submission in suffering was modeled perfectly (1 Pet. Because she does not know the cause or course of her phantom illness, she is unable to attach meaning, purpose, or value to it. Unlike “When you think that you are something that you are not and when you find out that you are not what you think you are, then you really crawl into the grave! They were watershed events; the world, quite literally, would never look the same as it had before they occurred. Conversely, an 84-year-old African American woman described the anxiety attacks she experiences as suffering because she felt that they precipitated death. A 70-year-old European American man described suffering as the terror he felt when he was 13. Many elders experienced suffering as transformative. And … His current situation resonates to this powerful memory of chaos. On the one hand, the characters care for each other when they very well could have killed each other. A 91-year-old European American widow who suffers from crippling arthritis believes that “old age is suffering.” As a former high school principal, she enjoyed the social and intellectual stimulation of peers and believed that meaning in life was based on achievement and growth. Her question to herself became, “Who am I without others to care for?” When asked what a picture of suffering would show, she nodded, as though familiar with the picture. Do you suffer when you experience certain feelings, such as regret, remorse, or guilt over things that you did or did not do in your life? The period of present-day time was focused on intently, yet it did not follow the kind of “time” passed in presuffering life. Suffering may be named acceptable, unacceptable, a cultural exemplar, or even an “outrage” in a given society (McGoldrick, 1996; Rosen & Weltman, 1996; Townes, 1997; Zborowski, 1969). Generalizations also fail to penetrate problematic emotions, such as guilt, regret, shame, or a failure to forgive or perceive oneself as forgiven that cause suffering in later life, especially if elders believe that they have no second chances to “right wrongs” done early in life. Interestingly, the fear of one's life story not being heard, especially at the end of life, may be part of the experience of suffering (Picard, 1991). Whatever character and faith are already built into a Christian’s life prior to going through suffering tends to come out during suffering. In the social sciences, the notion of “social suffering” has been introduced to examine “the devastating injuries that social forces can inflict on human experience” (Kleinman, 1997, p. ix). Metaphors allowed a flow of thoughts to go back and forth between discussion of life and death. Do you ever think about suffering in relation to dying? This distinctiveness resides in elders' perceptions that their unique voices will soon be silent, their place in this world will soon be vacant, and their individual and cohort history is coming to an end. The decisions he needed to make concerning his life, such as choosing friends, looking for a job, and whether or not to marry or own a home, overwhelmed him. Prior research on and around suffering has examined the experience from a variety of perspectives. Illness and pain usually diminish an elder's social life; personal relationships shrink and interpersonal roles lose balance. We reap what we sow (Gal. Narrative analysis acknowledges that narrative is both a cultural and a personal representation or production that can be analyzed for both a surface structure—what the narrative says or does not say—and as a context-dependent structure, in which underlying themes or patterns emerge. This variation regarding the aforementioned domains was easily accessed at a screening contact. Although she cannot change her prognosis, she controls what is left of her life by changing her identity from a sick person to a dying one. The sample was stratified by ethnicity (African American and European American) and by gender. Moreover, the role of suffering in the spiritual life is ultimately based on mysteries of our faith; and, as with so many mysteries, we are likely to live with them without attempting to fathom them. An 82-year-old European American man imagined that “for parents to stand over the coffin of their child because of their own negligence, I think that would be real suffering (crying).” Because he reported he had never lost a child, we can only wonder what recollection this picture represents for him, or what part of his psyche it draws on. In America, suffering may be seen as a special property of the aged because of cultural myths about old age. Would you tell me the story of your life? By using Learn Religions, you accept our. What he said, according to the earliest scriptures, is that life is dukkha. Resilience Living in a community that is resilient to disaster and decline . But that is only a small part of suffering's role in the life of the believer. “Dying is suffering because you're sick and you're helpless, but death is just death. Recent work in anthropology has attended to the effects of broad cultural, economic, and political forces, often violent, that in different ways affect individuals' and groups' subjectivities and create suffering (Adelson, 2000; Bourdieu, 1993; Das, 1997, 2000; Das & Kleinman, 2001; DeMeis, 1999; Desjarlais & Kleinman, 1997; Estroff, 1984; Green, 1999; Kleinman, Das, & Lock, 1997; Morgan & Wilkinson, 2001; Scarry, 1985; Uehara, Morelli, & Abe-Kim, 2001). There, she learned that she was bleeding internally as a result of a stomach lesion and was given several blood transfusions. Jacobs’ decision to take a white man other than her master as a lover is more complex than a ‘poor choice’ that rejects virtue in favor of illicit sex. Think of it as an algebraic "X," or a value you're trying to discover. Factors that differentiate suffering from some of the events just named are that suffering affects the individual on many fronts, may reach the core of the self, and may consume the self. Despite suffering's strangeness or interruption to the life lived, the suffering story generally reflected the life story as a whole. It is important to note that we never defined the term suffering for informants. This model sees the older person as the active constructor, interpreter, and creator of meaning of his or her smaller world and focuses on the personal meaning systems of older people as part of the larger system of cultural and social meaning. Elders interpreted suffering as alien in light of how they viewed and defined themselves before suffering began. This is the true meaning of the Buddha's words: 'In brief the Five Aggregates of Attachment are dukkha.' Do you think we still might suffer then? It’s all sin can do. Rather, as human beings suffering seems to be an inescapable part of life with complete relief from it only possible with the annihilation of our existence, or in other words death. Now the images of Jesus Christ are many. We return to the 76-year-old European American woman who realized one evening that her infant son “would never get better” despite her desperate pleas to God. A 75-year-old African American woman who revealed that she had been “born poor” and remained that way through life defined suffering in this way: “Being in want—that's suffering. The Bible doesn’t whitewash our experience of suffering by saying that it’s all of one For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. “It's a robot with empty eyes. B2. She has told her family what she wants to wear for her “laying out,” and how her gravestone should be marked. Physical suffering is pain, aging, deterioration and injury. Elders sometimes revealed what their religion taught about suffering and how they internalized those teachings. How do your past sufferings influence the present quality of your life? He believes he will suffer until he finds “someone who will tell [him] the way to go.” His inability to handle life's daily problems places him in an existential liminal space. Elders revealed that they had not shared their experiences with health professionals or clergypersons because they described suffering as more than mental, physical, or spiritual pain, as having an existential quality that is rooted in being human, and because they were not asked. She described herself as “currently suffering” because she believes she will soon die. There are many approaches to narrative analysis; the option chosen here is a step-by-step analysis of a segmented paragraph by one speaker with additional narrative and responses to prompts and follow-up questions posed by the interviewer. Informants were recruited through past research rosters of the Polisher Research Institute, as well as through requests to informants in ongoing research projects at the institute to suggest neighbors, friends, and fellow churchgoers or synagogue-goers for inclusion. Most elders struggled to create or discover meaning for suffering and thus determine its value in their lives. What Are the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism? Where my breasts were just raw.” For her, suffering was the physical pain that resulted from the “cure” of losing her breasts and from radiation treatments. Because of the heightened incidence of chronic and acute illness in later life, physical pain is often part of an elder's daily life. Most elders conclude that a measure of helplessness and dependency precedes death, although all hope that, for them, it will not. On the basis of our informants' experiences and expressions of suffering, we offer our own definition of suffering as a visceral awareness of the self's vulnerability to be broken or diminished at any time and in many ways. Results. (We get older and get sick, recover and one day we all face the death, Kids will grow and live us when the times comes and grow older and face the death one day, Cars get decay and new models will be produced, you will lose the interest of your old car, Buildings get older and decay, Even the solid foundations and solid rocks will decay with the time) E-mail: Search for other works by this author on: Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss, Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, The Differential Impact of Retirement on Informal Caregiving, Volunteering, and Grandparenting: Results of a Three-Year Panel Study, Feeling Gratitude is Associated with Better Well-being across the Life Span: A Daily Diary Study during the COVID-19 Outbreak, Changes in self-estimated step-over ability among older adults: A 3-year follow-up study, The relationship between dietary variety and frailty in Japanese older adult women during the period of restriction on outings due to COVID-19, COVID 19: Trends, Disparities, and Consequences for Older Adults, The Journals of Gerontology, Series B (1995-present), About The Journals of Gerontology, Series B, About The Gerontological Society of America, Breslau, Davis, Peterson, & Schultz, 2000, Simeon, Guralnik, Schmeidler, Sirof, & Knutelska, 2001, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Research Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Board Certified or Board Eligible AP/CP Full-Time or Part-Time Pathologist, Chief of ID, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Copyright © 2020 The Gerontological Society of America. 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